The Surf Master boards came out of the Max Wetland (1938 - 2015) factory in Durban. 2 Versions were made of the board. The long one as displayed and a shorter version they called the Belly Board. The Belly Board wasn’t that short as it made a perfect board for the kids to stand up and surf. Alot of kids down at Addington learned to surf on those boards. They called them pop outs.
These boards two piece, top and bottom molded and glassed with chop mat. The surf Master’s were low entry surfboards and less expensive for the beginning surfers. Those boards became very popular as Max gave one the first ones to George Tompson, George Thomopoulos was a South African Champion in surfing during the 60’s that could ride anything. To get the sales going he surfed those boards and as such made them popular at the time. The surf master were learner type of boards cherished by many.
* Dimensions of the board are estimates
* Contact us if you have more information, we would be happy to add it to the story